Should we stop playing the National Anthem before sporting events? | The Tylt

Should we stop playing the National Anthem before sporting events?

The “Star-Spangled Banner” has been sung at sporting events for almost 100 years. But should that tradition continue? Sporting events have no real tie to the national anthem and playing it before every sporting event makes the anthem less meaningful. However, the tradition invokes national pride and honors the sacrifice of our service men and women. What do you think? 🇺🇸

Should we stop playing the National Anthem before sporting events?
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Should we stop playing the National Anthem before sporting events?

Our national anthem was written during the War of 1812 by Francis Scott Key. As much as we like to think our athletes are going out on the field of battle, they aren't soldiers. There's no need for the national anthem to be played before a game.


People like to attach patriotism to the national anthem. But are you really less patriotic if you're not exposed to "The Star-Spangled Banner" every sporting event? Do we not appreciate our troops if we don't hear the song? If you want to really honor our troops, spend some time with veterans. Listening to the national anthem does not mean you're patriotic.


The national anthem is supposed to be something special that unifies us. But like those cookies grandma used to make, sometimes too much of a good thing can be bad. Having "The Star-Spangled Banner" at every sporting event cheapens the song. We should save it for special occasions like Memorial Day, Veterans Day or the Fourth of July.


Exhibit A through Z of what can go wrong when you have the national anthem at every game.


With so much divisiveness in the world, we need more things to unify us. Having our national anthem at every sporting event reminds us that no matter what our differences are, we still have things in common—like love for our country. There's something beautiful about singing that song with thousands of other people that helps us feel together, and we need to keep that force around.


If you don't like it, you can get out.


The national anthem may not have any connection to sports, but it's a way for sports teams to honor our military and the sacrifices they make to ensure we can enjoy things like sports. People take for granted the freedom they have. Having the national anthem at sporting events is just a reminder that we recognize what service men and women do for us.


If you don't tear up for this, you're not human.

Should we stop playing the National Anthem before sporting events?
A festive crown for the winner