Should we even sing the National Anthem before sporting events? | The Tylt

Should we even sing the National Anthem before sporting events?

Why do Americans play their national anthem before sporting events? Other countries don't. The tradition started small-scale in Major League Baseball during World War I, but after World War II, the pregame "Banner" became an entrenched MLB ritual that spread to all other sports. Colin Kaepernick's protest has prompted some to ask what "The Star-Spangled Banner" has to do with football—or any sporting event. From the outrage over Kaepernick's choice, it's clearly a hugely important patriotic ritual for many. But do we have to keep it a sacred part of games?

Should we even sing the National Anthem before sporting events?
A festive crown for the winner
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Should we even sing the National Anthem before sporting events?
But people are really attached to it.
Sam Borden at the New York Times asks: why don't we sing the national anthem at movies or concerts, for example? You'd never see "God Save The Queen" played at a British soccer game. Non-Americans think we're totally weird.
Like, more hated than Osama bin Laden?!? People feel very strongly.
Love it or leave it. Not singing the anthem is seen by some as being a total traitor.
An interesting concept.
Isn't the very idea of being compelled to sing a song against your will contradictory to American values? Can you be a patriot and still have big problems with America?
Should we even sing the National Anthem before sporting events?
A festive crown for the winner