Are Republicans and Democrats basically the same? | The Tylt

Are Republicans and Democrats basically the same?

Many Americans are disgusted with our two-party system and say there's no real difference between Republicans and Democrats. Both parties take millions from insurance companies, Wall Street and Big Pharma, and critics say all of them just do the bidding of their corporate donors. But others argue that on issues like abortion, health care, the environment, criminal justice and the social safety net, the two parties are nothing alike. Is there any difference between Republicans and Democrats? đŸ‡ș🇾 

Are Republicans and Democrats basically the same?
A festive crown for the winner
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Are Republicans and Democrats basically the same?

Politicians from both sides of the aisle often enjoy lucrative lobbying careers once their terms are over. One study found that half of retiring senators and a third of retiring House members go on to become lobbyists (up from less than 5 percent in the 1970s). Both parties are heavily invested in capitalism, Christianity and maintaining America's global empire.

For too long, our national debate has depended on these two dinosaur parties that haven't truly represented anyone in America for decades. The agenda for these two parties is set by corporate America. 

But the Trump era has many on the left saying "AYFKM?" The Democrats may take checks from corporations, but they are not the same as the Republicans. Democrats support reproductive justice, compassionate immigration reform, fighting climate change and guaranteed healthcare for all. Democrats advocate for the rights of women, people of color and members of the LGBT community. Their party does not welcome white nationalists and their 2016 presidential candidate was not endorsed by the KKK. 

Only one party refuses to act when there’s a gun massacre. And it’s not the Democrats.
Because only one party is willing to ignore Climate Change. And it’s not the Democrats.
Because only one party tried, on three or four separate occasions, to take healthcare away from 20+ million Americans so they could cut taxes for the rich. And it’s not the Democrats.
Because only one party is currently ignoring a president who is in blatant violation of the Constitution, colluded with a foreign country to influence the last election, issues repeated racist statements attacking or disparaging Americans of color, and regularly advertises that he is unfit for office. And it’s not the Democrats.

Others argue that as long as corporations fund American politics, there will be no substantive difference between the two parties. 


Many Americans are sick of voting for what they see as the lesser of two evils. They say if we don't escape the two-party system and support truly progressive, Green and Independent candidates, we will be stuck in this awful cycle forever.


Others say if the last 18 months haven't shown you that Democrats are different from Republicans, you are simply not paying attention.


Gun control? Abortion? Voting rights? On these and so many other issues, the parties are NOT the same.



Are Republicans and Democrats basically the same?
A festive crown for the winner