Do you avoid making important decisions when Mercury is in retrograde? | The Tylt

Do you avoid making important decisions when Mercury is in retrograde?

Astrology fans warn against making big decisions when Mercury is in retrograde—signing contracts, launching new business ventures, or having surgery. They also say interpersonal communication can be rocky, and electronic devices can be more susceptible to malfunctions. But critics say all of astrology is ridiculous, and blaming your arguments with your boyfriend or your glitchy phone on the location of a planet is just stupid. What do you think?

Do you avoid making important decisions when Mercury is in retrograde?
A festive crown for the winner
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Do you avoid making important decisions when Mercury is in retrograde?

Here's the breakdown on what's Mercury in retrograde is and why astrology fans find it so significant.

Because Mercury is the planet situated closest to the Sun, its orbit is much shorter than Earth’s. About three or four times a year, Mercury speeds past Earth, and that is when we experience a Mercury retrograde period. If you were in a car and another car passed you, you could tell it was going faster than you. But if it slowed down and you then passed it, it would appear that that car was actually going backward. Then when the other car speeds up and passes you again, it kicks up all of the dust in the road. As Mercury speeds by, it is like a train flying past, creating a powerful, turbulent gust of “wind” in its wake. The turbulence and disruption Mercury creates when it retrogrades can affect what we feel on Earth in our everyday lives.

But people who scoff at astrology are seriously over the talk of Mercury in retrograde.

Dear Astrology Freaks,


For some reason, there are people out there in the world that think when their life gets hard, they can blame it on the stars....If you’re talking to a friend and she drops the line, “I should have known better than to go on a date while Mercury is in retrograde” in an unironic way, you should turn and run the other way.


Honestly, even ironically we’re tired of hearing about the retrograde. I don’t care what kind of bullshit science might be behind the planets causing you misery, like seriously do you know how stupid you sound?
Do you avoid making important decisions when Mercury is in retrograde?
A festive crown for the winner