Is Christmas overrated? | The Tylt
It's the most wonderful time of the year—or is it? The National Institute of Health reported that people experience the highest incidence of depression at Christmas time. The expectations for family gatherings and social interactions are high, and the holiday season is hard on those who are lonely or have lost family members. Others really do adore the holiday season and all the traditions that come with it. Do you think Christmas lives up to the hype? 🎄🎁😔

At the Huffington Post, Carolyn Gregoire says that the holiday blues are a very real thing.
December can be a particularly difficult time of year for those dealing with family conflict, loss, break-ups, divorce, loneliness and mental health issues.
My friend who is in agony with depression finds Christmas very tough. “Everyone is in great form.” Many people suffer in silence. Be kind ❤️
— Sarah-Jane Murphy (@sjanemurf) November 29, 2017
On the plus side: time off work, day drinking, cookies, presents, roast beast, "The Muppet Christmas Carol," and festive lights everywhere. It's no wonder some people do call it the best time of the year.
But the pressure to be merry all the time really wears on you. For plenty of people, being with family is not a peaceful experience in the least.
In the plus column: MARIAH CAREY.
all I wanna do is watch elf, decorate a Christmas tree and sing Mariah Carey Christmas songs
— Ri (@aspucches) November 29, 2017
Not to be dramatic or anything but I'm that lamb who will wake up and blast @MariahCarey's "Merry Christmas" & "Merry Christmas || You" at 5 o'clock in the morning then put "All I Want For Christmas Is You" on repeat at 6am & not care if anyone's still sleeping.
— DaydreamButterfly🐑 (@allidoislovemc) November 29, 2017
Buying gifts, preparing meals, planning parties, dealing with family, handling everyone's expectations—it can be a really stressful time.
Christmas as an adult is stressful af 😭😂
— Keyaira Harrison (@__Keyaira__) November 29, 2017
The 3 weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas break are probably the most agonizing and stressful weeks of the year
— Alayna Cowden (@alaynacowden) November 28, 2017
Others can't get enough.
Christmas eve is my favorite holidy. Im with my chill side of the family. We eat all of my favorite foods, theres some gifts, its so peaceful, our house looks so beautiful, and you get to go to sleep knowing you wake up to presents. Iconic
— Beyoncé sweetie i am so sorry - Love, Timmy Thick (@thelem0nadestan) November 28, 2017
Beautiful. I’m knitting Christmas gifts for my family. Creating something with love is peaceful.
— Frannie M. (@fvmcgillicuddy) November 28, 2017